Product StraplineUse With Soft & Hardback Covers! Item Code DUO500 Weight 10.00
kg Brand Opus Punching Style No Max. Paper Width A4 Punch Capacity (A4/80gsm) No
Binding Capacity (A4/80gsm) 2 - 340 Binding Style Thermal Wire Format N/A Paper
Formats A4 & A5 The Duo 500 is a unique thermal binder, which has two sensors
enabling it to distinguish between hard covers and soft covers, giving you the
ability to bind two types of documents with just one machine! High quality
binding machine for superior results Can bind several documents simultaneously
upto a total of 350 sheets Very high quality heat control for consistency Soft
and hard covers automatically recognised Inclined heater for better binding A4 &
A5 paper formats Binds all types of card, clear fronts as well as Printed
folders with UV and laminated finishes Click here for suitable binding covers